
Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 2 - Cabaret Voltaire or Bust

When I arrived at the Little America Hotel last evening I proceeded to recharge all my technology and immediately discovered that I screwed myself…total rookie move…ipod syncs with itunes and proceeds to ifuck me by erasing everything except the small collection stored on my laptop. Turns out all I have left is the music (excerpts from Courtney’s outrageous master collection) I added at the last minute to augment the vibe….now I’m loaded with the obtuse Cabaret Voltaire, Loop, X-ray Spexs, Coil, B.A.L.L. and a bunch of shimmy disc stuff I’ve not heard in almost 20 years. After spending a day with my new music collection sans all my main music…I’m beginning to think this may be just the ticket.

What better way (I am now rationalizing) to lose your mind than to deny yourself access to all your favorite music while spending 2 weeks in your car. I believe the goal here is to lose my mind...i'm not sure anymore?

I have about 15 hours of Spacemen 3 queued up for tomorrow!

The terrain is morphing as I head north.

The wind-blasted red clay of northern Arizona is populated with strange amorphous formations and markers where loved ones died along the way. I always wonder what might have happened to these people and if they were just drunk and stupid or did someone drunk and stupid come out of nowhere and kill them right here.

Paying the obligatory $3 to visit the 4 corners landmark provided an opportunity to stretch the legs and stand on 4 states simultaneously. A nice distraction for about 10 minutes….but I wanted to get to Ouray before dark.

Up into Colorado brought about some radical change with Snow, Foliage and some significantly colder weather. The scenery on this drive was spectacular.

Arrival at the Box Canyon Inn was proceeded by a drive through the town of Ouray where I spied the Outlaw Bar and Grill. What a great meal and appropriate environment to decompress and drink a “Million Dollar Marguerita” which cost a mere $8.50. The “Millionaire Marguerita” I’ve had the pleasure of drinking courtesy of Tony’s tab at the Penninsula Hotel pool cost about $25….The Outlaw has ‘em beat hand’s down.

I wrapped up the day with a dip in the natural hot springs which are an integral feature of the Box Canyon Inn. Climbing the hill behind the hotel brings you to a couple private redwood hot tubs running about 104 degrees. The best part was watching the clouds pile up at the top of the moonlit mountain peak…then accelerate and disintegrate on the other side.


  1. Your photos of the Box Canyon Lodge are AMAZING -- is that with the lens you were telling me about? The shots are like velvet.

    So funny/sad about the iPod fiasco. I did the SAME thing last month, but did it at home when I iSynced my "Contacts" and promptly lost all my phone numbers/addresses from the last 10 years. Sagittarius move, dude.

  2. Lisa Lisa Lisa...thanks for the compliments on the shots...and yes it's all being taken with my Nikon D300 and with a wide angle lens (Tokina 12-24mm f4 DX)...I am looking forward to seeing more shots from your trip to London...from what i can see you really don't need anything other than the camera you are using...great stuff!
